KDU IRC 2024

Guidlines for Registration

Guidelines for Registration

  1. The presenting author of the accepted papers should be registered using the online registration form on or before 10th August 2024 to include the accepted paper/s for conference abstract book or proceedings.
  2. The presenting author who fails to register online before the deadline for the conference will not be allowed to make presentations.
  3. The co-authors/participants of the accepted papers are also eligible to register online for the conference before the deadline.
  4. The conference packs and certificates will be issued only for the authors who are registered on or before the deadline.
  5. Multiple registrations of the same author are not required. One author with more than one accepted papers shall submit only one online registration form to complete the registration. In such instances, only one conference package will be issued for an author, and he/ she is expected to collect the conference package from the first technical session venue of his/ her presentation.
  6. If the presenting author is not able to make the presentation, one of the co-authors should be registered online before the deadline to deliver the presentation.
  7. It is mandatory for such authors to complete the registration online by the deadline and their conference packs and certificates can be collected from the track coordinators after the conference.
  8. Onsite registration at the conference venue will be available but limited for coauthors and other participants but does not guarantee the full conference package.