Technical Session III – Defence and Strategic Studies (National Security Challenges)


Prof Maneesha S Wanasinghe-Pasquel
Department of International Relations, Faculty of Arts, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka

Introduction of the Chair

Preliminary Remarks by the Chair

TH Bandara
Paradise on Fire: Shifting Security Paradigm in Sri Lanka (2020 – 2022)

CLCM Patabendige
LTTE and Disinformation: Is Sri Lanka Ready to Win the Intangible War?

HS Wijesinghe
Cognitive Biases within Intelligence Analysis: Challenges to National Security & Way Forward

RMEK Rathnayaka and SUW JayaratneReturn of the Khilafat: The Impact of the Concept of Caliphate in Modern Terrorism

KKP RanaweeraAdopting the Recommended Good Practices to Address Violent Extremism in Sri Lanka

SUW JayaratneAnalyzing the Obligation of Strategic Intelligence in Preserving National Security

Question and Answer Session

Summing up by the Session Chair